Salute to Students Scholarship
Deadline Date: 04-01-2025
Eligibility: Women students in Yellowstone, Big Horn, Carbon, Custer, Musselshell, Rosebud, Stillwater, and Treasure Counties who are enrolled in a degree program at any accredited 2-year or 4-year college or university, and who have not previously been awarded a Salute to Student Scholarship.
Minority and disadvantaged students are encouraged to apply. We seek your help in identifying and making this opportunity known to them.
To be considered applicants must meet the following criteria:
A completed application with two letters of recommendation must be remitted by the April 1 deadline. Each letter of reference should be from a teacher, professor, school counselor, advisor, or employer (no family members). Letters may be sent using the form uploads in the online application, emailed to [email protected], or mailed to YWCA at 909 Wyoming Ave, Billings, MT 59101
The student must have maintained a minimum a 3.0 GPA or the MT HiSET equivalent.
Applications must include a copy of their academic transcript with ACT and/or SAT scores
They must not have previously received a Salute to Students scholarship award (they are still eligible if they have applied and not received a Salute to Student scholarship in the past)
Application form and instructions
All information and the link to the online form can be found here:
Here is a direct link to the application: