Youth in Foster Care

Paying for

Montana foster youth are eligible for Education Training Vouchers, up to $5,000 per year.

Summit for Foster Youth

Stay on a college campus, connecting with foster youth and preparing for life after high school.


We help foster youth get a jump start on career exploration and workforce opportunities.

Foster Care Resources

Check out our list of resources for foster youth to help support your goals.

How We Support Youth in Foster Care

Youth in foster care are amazing people and we love supporting them on their path to education after high school. Students need financial and emotional support when thinking about the next steps in life, and we offer guidance and funding to help these special students achieve their education dreams starting in high school and continuing until they reach their education and career goals.

Paying for School

Foster Care Education and Training Voucher Program

Montana foster care youth are eligible to apply for the Foster Care Educational Training Voucher (ETV) program*, which provides eligible youth with up to $5,000 per year to pay for educational expenses. 

Eligibility Requirements:

  • Currently in foster care and likely to age out of the foster care system; or
  • Aged out of the foster care system; or
  • Adopted or placed into guardianship from foster care after reaching age 16, or
  • Have been under tribal court jurisdiction and meet the above eligibility criteria.

The ETV application is available online and easy to use.

  • Start here. ETV Application
  • Create an account.
  • Once your account is created, look for the 'Education and Training Voucher (ETV) Application' in the list of available applications.
  • Click the apply button to begin.

The priority deadlines for the program are December 15 for students planning on attending spring and summer courses, and July 1 for fall courses or the full school year.

* This project is funded in whole or in part under a Contract with the Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services. The statements herein do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the Department.

reverse-icons-resource-video.svg Educational Training Vouchers (ETV) Overview

reverse-icons-resource-video.svg Educational Training Voucher (ETV) Application Tutorial

Scholarships for Foster Youth

We have a list of scholarships for foster youth, we encourage you to take a look and apply.

College Check In

We continue to support youth with foster care experience as they pursue their education after high school. Reach Higher Montana Advisors connect with ETV recipients at colleges in their areas several times throughout the school year to see how they are doing and to help them navigate college.

Click here for Reach Higher Montana Advisor contact information.

For more information about our programs, contact Christy Hendricks at (406) 403-6653, [email protected] or Steve Coop at (406) 880-1145,

Colleges need proof of being in foster care. Get this ahead of time from your foster care resource

reverse-icons-resource-video.svg Options After High School - 2 Year College

Trying to decide on a career? Get advice from someone in your career interest
Montana foster youth talking about the foster care summit

Reach Higher Montana Summit

Reach Higher Montana holds an annual Summit for Youth in Foster Care every year in June. The purpose of the summit is to help youth in foster care experience life on a college campus, learn about available resources to achieve education and career goals, and connect to peers from across Montana. Students apply for the opportunity to attend the Summit, and for applications visit with your Chafee provider about applying for this great opportunity.

Curious and want to know more? Check out this agenda .

For more information about the Summit, contact Christy Hendricks at (406) 403-6653, [email protected] or Steve Coop at (406) 880-1145,

Summit Application Process

Please contact the Chafee provider in your area about applying for the Summit for Youth in Foster Care. If you have any questions about the Summit or the application process, contact Steve Coop.

Going to the Summit? Get your DPHHS medical form completed and turned in early
Trying to decide on a career? Get advice from someone in your career of interest

Career Exploration Training

To help students get a jump start on career exploration, Reach Higher Montana Advisors will host regional training sessions across Montana to help foster youth explore available education or workforce opportunities after high school. These fun, interactive sessions guide students through Level All and/or the Montana Career Information System (MCIS) and provide students with access to information and connections to careers available in their area. Contact your local Reach Higher Montana Advisor about one of these sessions or check out the Summit, A career fair will be available to students who attend the Summit each summer.

Reach Higher Montana Advisors are hosting regional training sessions across the state to give students a head start on career exploration. These fun and interactive sessions will help students discover education and workforce opportunities available after high school. Participants will get hands-on experience with Level All or the Montana Career Information System (MCIS), and provide students with access to information and connections to careers available in their area.

For more information on these sessions, reach out to your local Reach Higher Montana Advisor. Additionally, don’t miss the Summit each summer, where a career fair will be available for students to explore opportunities.

reverse-icons-resource-video.svg Foster Care to Doctoral Student

reverse-icons-resource-video.svg A Foster Youth Success Story

reverse-icons-resource-video.svg From Foster Care to Foster Parent

reverse-icons-resource-video.svg Thinking about the Military?

Resources for Foster Youth

Resource-FC-DuringHS.svg During High School

  • All Star Internship
    Each January the state of Montana selects two youth to represent Montana. Interns receive leadership training, educate peers and industry professionals, and attend national conferences and events.
  • Foster Care to College: Online Resources
    From national scholarships, state tuition waivers to housing assistance and on-campus programs, find help getting to and through college.
  • Foster Club
    Support for young people experiencing foster care.
  • HRDC
    Visit each of our service areas to learn more about how we support our community.
  • Montana Chafee Foster Care Program
    This program offers services for foster youth (ages 14-21), find your local provider to learn more.
  • Montana Department of Labor Youth Programs
    Deliver youth services that focus on assisting youth with barriers to employment and help them prepare for employment and postsecondary education opportunities.
  • Montana Office of Public Instruction
    This program ensures that youth in foster care have equal access to the same free, appropriate public education as provided to their peers living with biological parents or legal guardians.
  • Pre-Employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS)
    This program gives students with physical and mental disabilities an introduction to work, helps them make informed job choices, learn good work habits and get real work experience.
  • Vocational Rehabilitation and Blind Services
    This program provides services for individuals with disabilities to help them prepare for, get and keep a job compatible with their interests and abilities.

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