Soroptimist Live Your Dream Award

Deadline Date: 11-15-2024

Before going any further, make sure you are eligible. You are eligible to apply if you are a woman who:

  • Provides the primary financial support for yourself and your dependents. Dependents can include children, spouse, partner, siblings and/or parents.
  • Has financial need.
  • Is enrolled in or has been accepted to a vocational/skills training program or an undergraduate degree program.
  • Is motivated to achieve your education and career goals.
  • Resides in one of Soroptimist International of the Americas’ member countries/territories (Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Ecuador, Guam, Japan, Korea, Mexico, Northern Mariana Islands, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Taiwan, United States of America, Venezuela).
  • Has not previously been the recipient of a Soroptimist Women’s Opportunity or Live Your Dream Award.
  • Does not have a graduate degree.
  • Is not a Soroptimist member, an employee of Soroptimist International of the Americas or immediate family of either.
  • Will write essays in your own words without the use of artificial intelligence.